Standard size cookies (around 3.5”) are sold by the dozen, starting at $60/dozen, one dozen minimum.
Cookies come customized and individually sealed. Typically, orders of one dozen include a minimum of 3 designs and 3 colors and orders of two dozen and more include a minimum of 4 designs and 4 colors. Additional designs and colors are at the discretion of Sugar Pie Bake Shop; if you have specific requests please include them on the Custom Cookie Order Request Form!
Mini size cookies (around 2”) are sold by the dozen for $30/dozen! There is a two dozen minimum when ordered by themselves; however, when added to an order including standard size cookies there is only a one dozen minimum. Typically, mini cookies are less detailed due to their small size. If you have specific requests please include them on the Custom Cookie Order Request Form!
Some designs, such as detailed characters/logos, all florals, and metallic details (such as gold/silver) increase the price slightly (as they require a significant more amount of prep and work time). Please indicate you are wanting these types of designs when filling out the Custom Cookie Order Request Form!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me prior to ordering!!